Research & Development
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E-mail MIME injection in /RestAPI/PasswordSelfServiceAPI endpoint

6.5 (Medium)


ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus

< 6112

Krzysztof Andrusiak and Marcin Ogorzelski

An unauthenticated attacker can send emails with any content to domain users by sending specially crafted requests to "/RestAPI/PasswordSelfServiceAPI" endpoint.

  1. Configure mail server in ADSSP.
  2. Make sure that "victim" user has e-mail address set in Active Directory.
  3. Modify the following parameters in script:
    URL - ADSSP server URL
    DOMAIN - domain name (FQDN)
    USERNAME - user from step 2 (AD username, not e-mail address)
    HTML_CONTENT - phishing email content
  4. Execute script - user should receive modified e-mail.
E-mail sent by script
  • 07-05-2021 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
  • 07-05-2021 - First response from vendor
  • 24-06-2021 - Update from vendor
  • 26-08-2021 - Fixed version release
  • 21-02-2022 - Public disclosure
  • 21-02-2022 - PoC release