Research & Development
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Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in "target" query parameter

6.1 (Medium)


Oracle Enterprise Manager

Jakub Sajniak and Artur Obuchowski

Reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability exists in target GET parameter of the OEM version. A specially crafted URL can trigger XSS attack. Successful attack requires victim interaction (clicking on the malicious link) and can result in modifying or exfiltrating data from the affected application.

In order to exploit the vulnerability you have to append target parameter to URL with the following payload:


Conducted tests showed that multiple endpoints process target parameter.
Example request:

GET /em/faces/as-wsm-mgmt-asyncresponse?type=weblogic_domain&target=%2FEMGC_GCDomain%2FGCDomain%3C/script%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.domain)%3C/script%3E&[...REDACTED...] HTTP/1.1
  • 24-09-2020 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
  • 25-09-2020 - Vendor response
  • 25-10-2020 - Vendor update
  • 24-02-2021 - Issue addressed
  • 24-04-2021 - Vendor disclosure
  • 26-04-2021 - Public disclosure